Social Media Story Plan Week 8/22/22
Stuck on social media content? We can help!
With this week's story plan, we've done all the hard work for you. All you have to do is create the content based on the topics we've provided in this blog post.
Mondays are a great day to share what your perfect workday looks like!
This is a great way to spark conversation around what is realistic and what isn't because God and kids laugh at the plans you create and show you what will happen. Daily. Sharing how often you're able to have your perfect workday is an excellent addition to the conversation starter. Be sure to add a call to action to check in your stories on Wednesday. Spoiler Alert you're going to do an actual Work With Me Wednesday and show your plan/to-do list and what you're able to get done.
Share a few YouTube accounts you’ve been binging on. If you’re not big into YouTube, then share a few accounts on Instagram that you love to watch every day.
We love YouTube at Latched Social. Our Head Mother, Sarah, watches YouTube channels more than regular TV. Granted, her TV is monopolized by Coco Melon, Blippi, Minnie’s Bowtique, and NBA because she has 4 kids and only 1 TV in the house, but even when they’re in bed, she finds herself binging YouTube channels on her iPad instead of the ‘big screen’ in her living room.
When you share the accounts you binge the most, be sure to tag the account on the platform you're posting on. If you're posting on IG, tag their IG account. If you're posting on TikTok, tag their account. This is great for visibility and sharing the love of another content creator! Your call to action for this story could be for them to share a YouTuber they love so you can check them out.
We discussed this in Monday's idea, but ideally, this would be vlog style. Show yourself in your morning, afternoon, and evening. You don't have to do every part of the day, just bits and pieces. If you have time, plan and script out what you want to show; this will help the process and decrease the overwhelm of what to include and what not to include. The key to getting this post done is not to overthink it. Just pick 3 times to film, record, and post.
People care more about business values these days than they have in the past. People want to know who their money supports and if it aligns with their beliefs. This is a great way to differentiate yourself from your competition. Many businesses shy away from doing this, but we feel it is a great way to build transparency and trust with your audience.
Your follower needs to adopt one primary belief to succeed at your offer. Share what that is.
This highlights how you and your business are different and allows people to assess if they are ready to take the leap and invest in your services. This is a great way to weed out the tire kickers and help qualify people before purchasing.
Share what you're up to on the weekend.
You can do this with an actual peek into your personal life with pics documenting what you do on the weekend. You can also do this with a "to-do" list style post outlining what you have on your schedule and either check them off as you complete them and share or just do it once. Either way, this is a great human connection-building post. This allows you to bond with your followers, or new followers, in a way outside your niche - which is important in building relationships.
If you enjoyed this blog post, share it with your business owner friends, and don't forget to Pin it to Pinterest! As we keep treating our business like we would treat a client, we're going to share our social plans with you so you can do everything with us too!